Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I stayed up last night.. sick still, and watched Super Size Me for the first time. Fucking gross! I don't eat fast food anymore.. now that I actually think before I do things. Since we are such instant gratification beings we don't think about what our actions will do in the future cause its not something that we can see happening. That will never happen to ME.. right? Its using the band aid again for a quick fix to satisfy now. We know fast food is bad but we don't actually SEE what its doing on the inside so fuck it. I'm going to be 35 this year and I really think about consequences to what I do NOW. This is one of the biggest ways I have changed. As much as I want to look good, I don't want to be in and out of doctor offices even more. This means minimum stress, whole foods, no binging, plenty of exercises, and laugh all the time!;)
I ask myself at least 90% of the time, how will this food serve my body? I do still believe in enjoying something here and there. I sure did over the holidays but also in moderation. I did not do anything in moderation before. I have spoke to a lot of other bodybuilders about this. That we all basically had eating disorders. I know I did. Because I was competing half of the year I would go crazy the other half while I still could have it. Plus, I was an emotional eater. I saw the glass as half empty so I always had a reason to eat. I got pissed before and Olympia and ran to McDonalds for a fix!(Another time of many I was drinking poison and hoping for it to kill my enemy. Only hurting myself.) Food is no different than a drug. Like the guy in Super Size Me pointed out, he wanted more the more he ate and once he got his fix he would feel better. Food being modified like that is not not meant for our bodies. I am sure his detox off the McD's diet was a bitch for a couple of weeks. One year after competing at Nationals I went on a 3 weeks Wendy's diet. I ate Wendy's everyday sometimes twice a day! It was nasty! The smell coming off my body said it all.
When I got interested in bodybuilding it was the 80s. It seemed like healthy food and diet was much more stressed than now. Now its supplements. There is no replacement for a good balanced diet. There is also the trick of having to do it on a budget. Eating whole foods is not quite as cost effective. How sad? I did it once so surely I can do it again.
Just by keeping my food intake lower helps my mood. Before food like other drugs would control me and now that I'm back in control life opens up a whole lot. That's not to say that I wont eat half a pizza again someday. ;) Just not each week.

This whole next year is going to be eating and training consistently so I can be ready to compete again in 13 if I decide. I am looking at schools right now cause I am going back AGAIN to finish my business degree. I am sooooo excited about that but I don't want to have to stay in Denver to do it. I am completely over the cold. I want to be a surfer chic on the water. Somethings have to wait for the greater good. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back at it, Missy! I'm excited to hear that your thinking about competing again; but you know what?

    If you don't; that will be okay too!
