Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2011.. Thank God ;) I had a great morning in the gym despite the hip pain. I did back and hams so I surely re-inflamed it but I cant not train. I didn't do deads though... compromise. I love being in the gym again. Enjoying it! I am just at peace lifting. I am still self conscious but I overcome it everyday and I feel better for it. Yes, my insecurities even follow me to the gym.

I was given some inspirational cards that I carry in my purse that I thought I would share today. Good stuff to think about for starting a new year. Hope you like them too. I need the reminders when I feel myself getting stuck. Its so easy for me to forget the simplest things that make the biggest difference in my life if I act on em and change my state. 

"The ways I give and receive love.. may not be loving at all."- Until today, you may not have realized that love is simple. You make love hard with your trappings, expectations, and demands.
Just for today, give consideration to your beliefs about love. Are you really being loved, loving, and lovable?

"There are times when the right road takes a wrong turn.. and its OK."- Until today, you may have realized that its not loving to remain in situations that aren't working for you, hoping they'll get better.
Just for today, realize that when you've done all you can do, there's simply no more you can do, and its not healthy or productive to try.

"I cannot hide what I think, what I feel, or who I am."- Until today, you may have made excuses for not being fully present in your loving relationships.
Just for today, be devoted to being fully present in all of your relationships. Share the truth about your thoughts and feelings. Share the truth about yourself!

"I accept that things are the way they need to be."- Until today, you may have held perfection as the standard that you needed to live up to or achieve.
Just for today, accept that you are perfect just the way you are. :)

Please everyone be safe tonight! I'm staying in and doing yoga. LOL Its funny cause I really am. Then a hot bath.


  1. Have a great New Years and here's to 2012!

  2. It's not all about "perfection" in 2012,'s about always looking forward; getting up when you're knocked down...taking one more step forward than backward…and learning more and more about yourself...

    And it's about always remembering that you are Loved...
